Keys to Artificial Intelligence

“Venture capital markets have gone completely wild”, tweeted at the end of August Sarah Guo, one of Silicon Valley’s leading investors (formerly General Partner at Greylock, now at Conviction). “You invest in an AI startup, and the next day you see the next investor coming in at double the valuation”.

Guo said this days before Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, announced a $200 million investment in HuggingFace at a valuation of $4 billion. Nothing new; after Microsoft’s $10 billion investment in OpenAI, almost every day we wake up to a new story on this front. Adept AI, $350 million. Anthropic, $450 million. Inflection AI, $1.3 billion…

Since the launch of chatGPT, not a single day has gone by without AI making headlines in all media outlets. We read in publications like the Wall Street Journal about the $900,000 salaries new AI engineers are earning, about Goldman Sachs’ alarming reports on the impact of AI on employment, or about how reservations for the first international AI Engineers congress in San Francisco have exceeded all expectations…

Elon Musk was blunt: “The new Generative AI is the most powerful tool ever created. It has the potential to unleash a new era of human innovation.” Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and many other leaders across all fields have expressed similar sentiments.

But what exactly is this new Artificial Intelligence, and how is it different from the Machine Learning and Big Data we already knew? Which companies will it affect? Which jobs? Which startups will be the next to succeed? And most importantly, where can you learn this new AI?

These are the questions answered in the new book “Keys to Artificial Intelligence” by Julio Colomer, now available on Amazon’s online bookstore .

Colomer, who has lived and worked in Silicon Valley for 10 years, is well acquainted with the world of technological innovation and startups. “This isn’t an innovation wave like the ones before. We’ve never seen such rapid, intense, and widespread interest in Silicon Valley before. There’s a conviction that this wave will be even bigger than the first internet wave.”

Colomer, who spent a year studying the intricacies of the new AI technology, says, “This is the book I wish I had found when I started getting interested in the new AI. The changes have been so rapid that there were no books explaining what’s happening, nor courses training the new AI professionals.”

“Practically every company and profession will be affected by AI. And the new professionals needed right now are not going to come from universities, which will still take several years to be able to respond to this new reality.”

Julio Colomer is the CEO of the AI Accelera , which aims to make the immense potential of the new Artificial Intelligence accessible to companies, professionals, startups, and students worldwide.

The above is an excerpt from the book “Keys to Artificial Intelligence” by Julio Colomer, CEO of AI Accelera, also available in a mobile-friendly ebook version.

At AI Accelera, our goal is to make the vast potential of Artificial Intelligence accessible to businesses, professionals, startups, and students from all over the world. See how we can help you.