Article Series: “100 LLM Applications that have earned over $500,000”

During audit procedures, staff spend approximately 40% of their time searching, extracting, and manipulating data. Another 20% is invested in preparing audit documentation. What if an Artificial Intelligence Agent took over those non-essential tasks?

Note.The series of articles “100 LLM Applications that have earned over $500,000” is based on the contents of the book “100 IA Startups“. The book includes the identifying data of each of these real cases.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME emerges aiming to assist auditors in their daily tasks.

This solution presents itself as an AI agent that allows for the analysis of financial records, execution of audit procedures, and drafting of documentation with an efficiency ten times greater than usual.


During audit procedures, staff spend approximately 40% of their time searching, extracting, and manipulating data. Another 20% is invested in preparing audit documentation.

Despite current technological aids like OCR, the process remains laborious and repetitive. Coupled with the standardization of procedures and similarity in documentation year after year, it leads to dissatisfaction among audit staff, resulting in high turnover and diminished interest in the profession.


The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME offers a solution using LLMs specially designed for use cases in accounting and audit.

The platform provides a spreadsheet editor and a document viewer in the browser, where auditors can use natural language to have the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME analyze evidence, perform procedures, and draft documentation efficiently.

The AI Agent facilitates the review of AI-generated data, allowing easy tracing of results back to their source, optimizing the review process.

Features of the AI Agent include:

– Text/Table Extraction: Allows for extracting text and data from documents, such as PDFs, for further analysis or transfer to spreadsheets.

– Compliance Verification: Analyzes documents to check compliance with regulations and standards, providing detailed reports on any non-compliance.

– Content Search and Retrieval: Conducts advanced content searches in documents, identifying phrases, keywords, or patterns and retrieving relevant sections.

– Natural Language Queries: Extracts information from spreadsheets using natural language queries, eliminating the need for complex formulas.

– Reconciliations: Validates data within documents by contrasting them with other sources, such as spreadsheets, highlighting discrepancies that require investigation.

– Natural Language Summaries: Generates written summaries of financial data in spreadsheets, facilitating rapid understanding of data.