Article Series: “100 LLM Applications that have earned over $500,000”

Generating business contacts is an essential task for any company. In medium and large companies, this task is handled by the SDR team (Sales Development Representatives). What if your next SDR was an Artificial Intelligence Agent?

Note.The series of articles “100 LLM Applications that have earned over $500,000” is based on the contents of the book “100 IA Startups“. The book includes the identifying data of each of these real cases.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME is poised to transform how companies conduct sales prospecting.

Through the use of generative artificial intelligence, this tool not only drafts and sends sales emails to potential clients but also automatically interacts with them aiming to schedule a meeting.

Problem to solve.

Generating business leads is a quintessential task for any company. In medium and large businesses, this task is in the hands of the SDR team (Sales Development Representatives).

The smooth functioning of this team is crucial, making it imperative to maximize their efficiency. Common hurdles include losing leads due to response times exceeding 10 minutes, executing generic email campaigns that fail to convert due to a lack of personalization, not sending follow-up emails for fear of seeming intrusive or undesired, or the lack of necessary budget.

Solution with an LLM App.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME offers a revolutionary solution to these problems. For a fraction of the cost of an in-house SDR, the AI Agent uses leads and customer profiles to craft personalized email campaigns, send tailored follow-up emails, and carry out the necessary correspondence to secure a meeting.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME allows businesses to broaden their reach without expanding personnel, granting them the freedom to experiment with campaigns before making hires.

Lead classification: the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME assists you in sorting leads so you can start moving them through your sales funnel.

  • For outbound: Connect your ZoomInfo account or upload a spreadsheet, and the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME will help identify leads fitting your ideal customer profile. It uses information beyond company size, industry, and role to drive your outbound marketing.

  • For inbound: Connect your HubSpot account or a website entry form and let the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME handle the follow-ups and classification of incoming leads automatically. The AI Agent will move leads through your sales funnel, booking meetings with sales representatives or adding them to personalized nurture campaigns.

Engaging prospects.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME enables prospects and leads to book a call with you faster than ever.

Handling objections.

Tell the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME about the most frequent objections you hear and how you’ve handled them in the past, and the AI Agent will employ them to convince prospects to book a call with your sales representative. Even if your leads are not interested right now, the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME will craft a personalized email follow-up sequence laying the groundwork for future conversations.

Creating email campaigns.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME will craft personalized and tailored email campaigns for your business.

Simplify your work without manually crafting an email campaign ever again. Whether planning a webinar or inviting prospects to visit your booth at a conference, just inform the AI Agent about your goals, and it will generate a complete email campaign for you in minutes. All you need to do is approve, and the AI Agent will handle all the sending.

Scheduling sales calls.

The Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME will schedule calls for a fraction of what a human SDR would cost. The AI Agent will automate scheduling sales calls with leads interested in your product, in less time and at a lower cost than a human SDR. You’ll minimize lead drop-offs.

In summary, the Artificial Intelligence Agent of ACME is an AI-based SDR optimizing costs, increasing the lead flow, and allowing the reinvestment of revenues into business growth.