The Generative AI Revolution Alerts Executives and Unleashes the Race for AI Talent

Generative Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a game but is becoming a key piece in the strategy of large companies. It’s not just a matter of advanced technology; it’s a revolution that is redefining the business landscape, and executives of large North American companies are paying close attention to the phenomenon.

Professionals capable of introducing and scaling the impact of Generative AI across the entire company will be in high demand, as will the new profiles associated with this new technology.

Generative AI Gains Momentum at the Highest Level

The CIO is traditionally the main sponsor of technological innovation programs in a large company. This is also the case now, with CIOs leading Generative AI initiatives in large North American companies. But now both CEOs and CISOs are getting involved in this process.

The involvement of CEOs denotes strategic priority, ensures sufficient resources, and aligns executives with the success of the program.

The involvement of CISOs shows that large companies are taking the potential security and privacy threats posed by Generative AI seriously.

The Search for Generative AI Talent Becomes the New Priority

The lack of skills and talent in Generative AI is the biggest challenge for companies. The demand for professionals capable of introducing and scaling the impact of this technology across the entire company is at its highest point in the United States and Canada.

Large companies are recognizing this challenge and are responding. 41% are opting to train their current employees, while 33% prefer to partner with external providers. 26% plan to recruit new talent.

Whether through training, hiring external professionals, or recruiting new employees, talent in Generative AI must combine the necessary engineering knowledge with the soft skills needed to work in the new multifunctional Generative AI teams.

The Future Is Already Here

Business leaders are waking up to the reality that Generative AI is a transformative force that they must pay attention to. Not only for its potential to change businesses but also for its ability to redefine the future of work and security.

The question is no longer if Generative AI will change the business world, but how and who will be the visionaries that will lead this transformation.